

british daily ration, 1914英士兵1914配给:

尽量保持文章翻译配给使英制单位换算公制单位,换算比,方便阅读,1盎司=8. 494克;1磅=16盎司=45. 5919克。)


1 1/4 lb fresh or frozen mean, or 1 lb preserved or salt meat; 11/4磅鲜肉或冻肉,或者1磅罐头肉或咸肉

1 1/4 lb bread, or 1 lb biscuit or flour; 11/4磅包,或者1磅饼干或

4 oz. bacon; 4盎司咸肉(熏肉)

oz. cheese; 盎司干酪

5/8 oz. tea; 5/8盎司茶

4 oz. jam; 4盎司果酱

oz. sugar; 盎司糖

1/ oz salt; 1/盎司盐

1/6 oz. pepper; 1/6盎司胡椒粉

1/0 oz. mustard; 1/0盎司芥末

8 oz. fresh or oz. dried vegetables; 8盎司新鲜蔬菜,或者盎司脱水蔬菜

1/10 gill lime juice if fresh vegetables not issued; 1/10吉尔酸橙汁(缺乏足够新鲜蔬菜替代品,1吉尔等四分品脱)

* 1/ gill rum; 1/吉尔朗姆酒(1吉尔等四分品脱)

* not eceeding oz. tobacco per eek. 每周供应盎司烟草

(* at discretion of manding general.带*项由指挥官决定放)

the folloing substitutions ere permitted if necessary


4 oz. oatmeal or rice instead of 4 oz. bread or biscuit;

使 4盎司燕麦片者米 代替 4盎司包或者饼干

1/0 oz. chocolate instead of 1/6 oz. tea; 使 1/0盎司巧克力 代替 1/6盎司茶

1 pint porter instead of 1 ration spirit;

使 1品脱勾兑酒(葡萄酒,白兰)代替1配给量烈性酒

4 oz. dried fruit instead of 4 oz. jam; 使 4盎司干果 代替 4盎司果酱

4 oz. butter, lard or margarine, or 1/ gill oil, instead of 4 oz. bacon.

【话,目朗读听书app,野果阅读, 安装新版。】

使 4盎司黄油、猪油、造黄油,或者1/品脱食油 代替 4盎司咸肉(熏肉)

british daily ration, india英印度籍非战斗员每配给:

1 lb fresh meat; 1磅鲜肉

1 lb bread; 1磅

oz. bacon; 盎司咸肉(熏肉)

1 lb potatoes; 1磅土豆

1 oz. tea; 1盎司茶叶

1/ oz. sugar; 1/盎司糖

1/ oz salt; 1/盎司盐(概15克左右)

1/6 oz. pepper. 1/6盎司胡椒粉

british daily ration, indian troops英印度籍步兵每配给:


1/4 lb fresh meat; 1/4磅鲜肉

1/8 lb potatoes; 1/8磅土豆

1/ oz. tea; 1/盎司茶叶

1/ oz salt; 1/盎司盐

1 1/ lb atta; 11/磅粗

4 oz. dhall; 4盎司木豆

oz. ghee; 盎司酥油

1/6 oz. chilies; 1/6盎司红辣椒

1/6 oz turmeric; 1/6盎司姜黄粉

1/ oz. ginger; 1/盎司姜

1/6 oz. garlic; 1/6盎司

1 oz. gur. 1盎司浓缩甘蔗汁(糖替代品)

british iron ration, carried in the field英军线罐装食物(线配给标准):

1 lb. preserved meat; 1磅咸肉罐头肉

1 oz. biscuit; 1盎司饼干(盎司包,共4包)

5/8 oz. tea; 5/8盎司茶叶

oz. sugar; 盎司糖

1/ oz. salt; 1/盎司盐

oz. cheese; 盎司干酪

1 oz. meat etract ( cubes.) 1盎司肉酱

m&v(meat & vegetable )罐头受协约士兵喜爱“4盎司 蔬菜炖肉”,士兵罐头加热比炊班煮菜汤线烹煮极其方便——罐头,直接放酒精炉加热享受热腾腾肉汤

german daily ration, 1914德军1914配给

(measured in grams; ounce equivalent in parentheses):

750g (6 1/ oz) bread, or 500g (17 1/ oz) field biscuit, or 400g (14 oz.) egg biscuit;


75g (1 oz.) fresh or frozen meat, or 00g (7 oz) preserved meat;


1,500g (5 oz.) potatoes, or 15-50g (4 1/-9 oz.) vegetables, or 60g ( oz.) dried vegetables, or 600g (1 oz.) mied potatoes and dried vegetables;


5g (9/10 oz.) coffee, or g (1/10 oz.) tea; 5克咖啡,或者克茶叶

0g (7/10 oz.)sugar; 0克糖

5g (9/10 oz.) salt; 5克盐

to cigars and to cigarettes or 1 oz. pipe tobacco, or 9/10 oz. plug tobacco, or 1/5 oz. snuff;


at discretion of manding officer: 0.17 pint spirits, 0.44 pint ine, 0.88 pint beer.


the meat ration as reduced progressively during the ar, and one meatless day per eek as introduced from june 1916;


by the end of that year it as 50g (8 /4 oz.) fresh meat or 150g (5 1/4 oz.) preserved, or 00g (7 oz) fresh meat for support and train personnel.


at the same time the sugar ration as only 17g (6/10 oz.).


german iron ration德军线罐装食物(线配给):

50g (8.8 oz) biscuit; 50克饼干

00g (7 oz.) preserved meat or 170g (6 oz.) bacon; 00克罐头肉或170克咸肉

150g (5. oz.) preserved vegetables; 150克罐头蔬菜

5g (9/10 oz.) coffee; 5咖啡

5g (9/10 oz.) salt. 5克盐




