Day 7
dear n:
what's up.
今打机,播放机唯载歌《set sail》they say lovean island,爱座岛屿,beautifulthe distance,远方很丽,some are tryingfind it,奋身找寻,some are tryingfind a way out,竭力逃离,you've beenboth sides,却二者皆占,of these ruth waters,苍茫水域,somehow you survived,知何故幸免难,but you came outyour own,独身逃离,and you still need someone,仍旧需某相随,will you set sail,启航啊,will you set sail tonight,今夜启航啊,tillsee land,见座岛屿,never look backbehind,绝回头绝退却,i don't knowyou get will lostsea,海苍茫知否失掉方向,orwill endwhereare supposedbe,抑或终抵达目,are you brave enoughswim against the tide,否足够勇敢游与激涛相抗,ohh ohh ohh ohh ohh leaves you stranded,爱留搁浅,but that's the waywant it,,saveour own refuge,庇荫安恙,no one else will ever reach it,抵达,will youthat someone,啊,will you set sail,启航啊,will you set sail tonight,今夜启航啊,tillsee land,见座岛屿,never look backbehind,绝回头绝退却,i don't knowwe get lostsea,海苍茫知否失掉方向,orwill endwhereare supposedbe,抑或终抵达目,are you brave enoughswim against the tide,否足够勇敢游与激涛相抗,any breaking wave could lead you home,任何波巨浪引领回,or turn you upside down and leave you here,或让水浮沉留此,no oneherehurt you,伤害,butoheresave you,救,will you riskall,冒险啊,will you set sail,启航啊,will you set sail tonight,今夜启航啊,tillsee land,见座岛屿,never look backbehind,绝回头绝退却,i don't knowwe will get lostsea,海苍茫知否失掉方向,orwill endwhereare supposedbe,抑或终抵达目,are you brave enoughswim against the tide,否足够勇敢游与激涛相抗。
【推荐,野果阅读追书真,载 快试试吧。】