三百十八章 才近清欢与賸求
『 I'ma be ho, holy crap!It's seems someo o faking a blaymore. Okay,from now on I'ma…I am going to be a New Yorker. Yep,I'm Tsing Yim as Linghu ' The Legend of the Swordsman ', but also star Issa.
And it's all started with aimes Square six years ago,but you'll soo 'love story' from her,so let's just skip it for a moment all-right? Huh,who is she? that's a good question,you guys 't see her in this video? e on~』
糟糕,优雅见,秒蛾眉曼睩章雅梦被晏清“虽迟”骚操气粉拳紧握、吐槽连连,言侃侃谈绵延绝背刺,其“I am goi…”真话比歌词通俗易懂太,即使翻译介入亦通交流、碰撞点“真知灼见”什,原本姝关,万夫莫安定局势再次蠢蠢欲。
“Love story咋变言?
“额,便助,什,语速点快,乖乖保持安静哈,边先继续,喏,歌名果《Run away》…”
『obviously, She is wearing a bla tutu and the panda mask doi in front of my pia Lina Jungle in New York, fallih her, almost lost her,and as time goes by I opped loving her.
that's the whole story behind this song 'run away'. ing back to Huhai, the ihio zero, remind me of all sorts of thi's the best time to pour it out.』
“显位穿黑鹅芭蕾舞裙,钢琴翩翩舞具士,纽约遇见翁怀憬、眼万爱,险险几乎失,六光飞逝,爱至死渝,才此曲run away背故,啪啪打脸,清哥太坏…”
『I l about Lina Jungle, and I'm not a guy who says that lightly. I'm a guy who has faked love his ehought love was just something idiots thought they felt, but this woman has a hold o I ot break if I wao, and there have bee I ran away.
It has been and humbling and even painful at times, but I ot stop loving her,ahan I could st. l am hopelessly, irretrievably ih her,More than she knows,I always thought she would and how much I loved her,But the truth is she loves me in the same way,such a lu huh?』
【推荐,野果阅读追书真,载 www.yeguoyuedu.com 快试试吧。】
捧跟任务杨咏恩仁让,给廖湘、戚思诚、常青等口机,笑靥花跟朵解语花似:“梦儿姐指待即将线期《才华限公司》,结局妥妥happy ending啦!”
『It's hilarious that the early bloom of romantics is a w. You meet someone, you have a , and that person bees sheer perfe your eyes. You just d anything wrong with her. You 't wait to tell the world about it,very anxious to vow that you will love her till the end of the world.
But It's true being in a couple very hard. And itting, making sacrifices,g a perfect relationship all of it are hard, Uhe right person,that would be easier. I mean looking at that girl,and knowing she's all you really want out of life,that should be the easiest thing in the world.』
holding room终达谐平衡感——旖旎独白似耳鬓厮磨,经译者番春风化雨诠释点点滴滴、润物声,催听众神荡漾:“,辛苦,姑娘,知辈切,困难变全世界简单儿。”
『e day you will uhat none of us vow to be perfe the end all romise to love each other with everythi. love's the best thing we do. If you love something,you ever let it go, not even for a sed,one forever. by sheer lucky, I didhis final chapter of love story,evehough many unimaginable difficulties.
Maybe the universe has a plan,and that plan is always in motion. A butterfly flaps its wings,and it starts to rain. It's a scary thought but it's also kind of wonderful. All these little parts of the mastantly w,maki you ely where you're supposed to be,exa you're supposed to be there. The right place at the right time,Twice!』
『OK,at the end of this sourn ba away,I do have sang up all those things that I wanna run away, all the time I felt lost,all the slander ahe bruises aache,all the memories,all the laughs and tears, even ing the very girl I'm so sure to spe of my life with. Maybe you guys are fused why not just run away from the bad things?
Perhaps I was ced that good things will always be here waiting for me,e on!you guys haven't found it ?huh,I toasted to everyoo run away from, except fotcha?』
“差,让再将话题聊回《run away》首歌,各位见,确实唱曾经试图逃离东西——觉遗憾、失落光,诽谤谎言,伤痕疼,(呜呜)欢笑与泪水,甚至包括位确定共度余姑娘!